Language Files
Last updated
Last updated
Config.locales["en"] = {
gps = "GPS",
gpsConnect = "Connect GPS",
jobFrequences = "Go To Job Frequencies",
activeGps = "Active GPS",
favoriteChannels = "Favorite Channels",
gpsDesc = "You can connect to or disconnect from a GPS frequency from this menu",
gpsFrequency = "Channel Frequency",
gpsPassword = "Password",
gpsPasswordRule = "You must set a minimum of 3 digits",
gpsConnectButton = "Connect to Channel",
gpsDisconnectButton = "Disconnect from Channel",
channel = "Channel",
channelDesc = "You can connect to job specific frequencies from this menu.",
favoriteChannelDesc = "You can connect to your favorite frequencies from this menu.",
settings = "Settings",
settingsDesc = "You can change GPS settings from this menu.",
settingsGPSColor = "GPS Color Picker",
settingsYourCode = "Set Your Code",
settingsGpsFilter = "GPS Filter",
settingsFilterOn = "ON",
settingsFilterOff = "OFF",
settingsTypeConfig = "GPS Type Config",
settingsTypeDesc = "You can set separate or single blips. Separate will list each blip individually and Single will show all blips in one list.",
settingsGpsType = "GPS Type",
settingsGpsSeperate = "Seperate",
settingsGpsSingle = "Single",
activeGpsdesc = "You can track, view bodycam and connect to the player's radio channel.",
activeGpsBodycam = "Watch Bodycam",
activeGpsLocation = "Track GPS for 60 Seconds",
activeGpsRadioJoin = "Join Radio Frequency",
playerCategoryName = "Other Players",
gpsTrackStart = "Started tracking GPS.",
gpsTrackEnd = "GPS tracking ended.",
connectedChannel = "Connected to frequency!",
updateCallsign = "Updated callsign!",
noFrequency = "Please enter a frequency!",
changedFrequency = "Frequency changed!",
disconnectedChannel = "Disconnected from channel!",
updateBlipColor = "Updated blip color!",
removedFavorite = "Removed favorite channel!",
addedFavorite = "Added favorite channel!",
wrongPassword = "Wrong password!",
jobChannelCantConnect = "You lack the required job for this channel!"
To add a new language file, copy any of the existing language files and rename it. Then, update Config.locales["en"]
to use the language prefix of your choice. After that, modify the file as needed and set Config.locale
to your desired language.