You can use it with either a callback (cb) or by returning the result.
local actions = {
name = "p_1", -- Unique name for the action
duration = 2500, -- Duration of the action in milliseconds
label = "Eating...", -- Text displayed on the progress bar
icon = "burger" -- Icon that will show up on the progress bar, use Free FontAwesome Icons
useWhileDead = useWhileDead, -- Can the action be used while dead? (Boolean or null)
canCancel = canCancel, -- Can the action be canceled? (Boolean or null)
controlDisables = { -- Table specifying control restrictions
car = false, -- Block vehicle-related actions? (Boolean or null)
move = false, -- Prevent character movement? (Boolean or null)
combat = true, -- Prevent combat actions like punching, aiming, shooting? (Boolean or null)
mouse = false, -- Prevent mouse movement and camera rotation? (Boolean or null)
disableRun = true, -- Restrict the player to walking only? (Boolean or null)
animation = { -- Table for specifying the animation details
animDict = "veh@van@ds@base", -- Animation dictionary name (String or null)
anim = "hotwire", -- Animation name (String or null)
flags = "16", -- Animation flag (String or null)
prop = { -- Table for attaching the first prop to an entity
model = "tablet_01", -- Model or hash for the prop (String or number, or null)
bone = 2108, -- Bone ID where the prop will be attached (Integer or null)
coords = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Axis offset for the prop's position (Table or null)
rotation = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Rotation of the prop (Table or null)
propTwo = { -- Table for attaching a second prop to an entity (same structure as prop)
model = "tablet_01", -- Model or hash for the prop (String or number, or null)
bone = 2108, -- Bone ID (Integer or null)
coords = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Axis offset for position (Table or null)
rotation = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Rotation of the prop (Table or null)
-- Progress Bar Call: Starts the progress action and handles cancellation
exports["cdw-hud"]:Progress(actions, function(canceled)
-- Coroutine for handling the progress bar result
-- Return Progress Method: Returns a boolean indicating success or failure
local success = exports["cdw-hud"]:Progress(actions)// Some code
Is Progressbar Active
Returns whether there is an active progressbar.
Cancel Progress
Cancels the current progressbar if active.
Returns whether the player is wearing their seatbelt. This only works with the built-in belt system.