Config = {}
Config.framework = "auto" -- "auto" or "qb" for QB, "qbx" for QBOX, "esx" for ESX
Config.testMode = false -- If you need to restart the hud in game for testing purposes, set this to true
Config.allowUserCustomisation = true -- When set to true, players can customise their hud to their liking, when false only Cinematic mode is available
Config.useAmmoHud = true -- Enable or disable the HUD's own ammo display. If disabled top right hud will move down when the player is armed.
Config.defaultIcon = "bars" -- Default icon for progressbar,
Config.showCompassOnFoot = false -- Sets whether the compass can be viewed on foot
Config.showMapOnFoot = true -- Sets whether the minimap can be viewed on foot
--Car HUD
Config.useMPH = false -- true / MPH | false / KPH
Config.showCompass = true -- Enable or disable the compass above the map
Config.showStreet = true -- Enable or disable the street names above the map
--Cruise Control
Config.cruiseControl = true -- Enable or disable cruise control system
Config.useSmallResourcesForCruise = false -- If using qbor qbx smallresources for cruie control, set the previous line to false and set this to true
Config.cruiseKey = "Y" --
--Top Right
Config.timeOnTopRight = true -- Sets the position of date and time
Config.enableName = true -- Enable or disable character name on top right
Config.enableId = true -- Enable or disable player server id on top right
Config.enableJob = true -- Enable or disable player job on top right
Config.showServerLogo = true -- Enable or disable server logo on top right (Change photo in web/build/assets/logo.png)
Config.showServerName = true -- Enable or disable server name on top right
Config.serverName = {
beginning = "CODE", -- Set the white part of the server name
ending = "WORKS", -- Set the blue part of the server name
Config.enableMoney = {
bank = true, -- Enable or disable bank money on top right
cash = true -- Enable or disable cash money on top right
Config.voiceHUD = 3 -- 1 / 2 / 3
Config.notifyPosition = "top" -- "top" / "right" / "left"
--Radio List
Config.enableRadiolist = true --Enable or disable radio list
Config.radiolistOnRight = true --Sets the position of the radio list
--Seatbelt System
Config.enableBelt = true -- Enable or disable built-in seatbelt system
Config.useSmallResourcesForBelt = false -- If using qb-smallresources or qbx_seatbelt for belt system, set the previous line to false and set this to true
Config.beltKey = "K" --
Config.beltEjectSystem = true -- Set this to true to enable vehicle ejection
Config.belt = {
noBeltShouldEject = true, -- Enable or disable whether player should be ejected when not wearing seatbelt
noBeltEjectSpeed = 80, -- Set the ejection speed (Match the unit specified in Config.useMPH)
beltShouldEject = true, -- Enable or disable whether player should be ejected when wearing seatbelt
beltEjectSpeed = 150 -- Set the ejection speed (Match the unit specified in Config.useMPH)
Config.locale = "tr" -- Language tr/en You can add more by copying and pasting one of the locale files in locales folder
Config.locales = {} -- Do not change
Last updated